A Thought for Today

by Bob Fisher

The Cheerful Person

I once knew a man who took pride in saying, "I am the most even tempered man in this company. I'm mad all of the time." This poor self deceived person was the most unhappy man I ever knew. While on the other hand, another fellow I knew had a cheerful attitude in all of his dealings with his fellowmen, including his wife and children. He was grateful when ever someone did him a service. He treated everyone with equality. Everyone liked him. It was known that he was a man who could get things done, because people worked for him willingly. From all appearances he was a happy man.
Charles Dickens is given credit for this quotation, "Cheerfulness and content are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks." Says Sir Arthur Helps, "I do not know of any way so sure of making others happy as being so oneself."
Another wise man assures us that cheerfulness is like small pox. It is contageous and it leaves deep marks in your face, if you really get a good case of it.
And again cheerfulness has great wearing qualities. It has been called the bright weather of the heart. It gives harmony to the soul and is a perpetual song without words. It is tantamount to repose. It enables nature to recruit its strength. The signature for this wise counsel is 'smile.'

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